Sometimes I ask myself how we stopped cooking the recipes from our grandmothers that were so delicious! I took this Chiapas Style Escabeche of Sea Bass Recipe from the book Las Senadoras suelen guisar (“Senators that cook”) 1964 because it is the closest recipe to the one that my grandmother cooked for my grandfather who was chiapaneco, from Chiapas. It is easy to prepare and has an exquisite flavor. I assure you that you will lick your fingers after you finish eating this.
INGREDIENTS for Chiapas Style Escabeche of Sea Bass
- 1 kilo of fish (sea bass, snapper, shrimp, oyster)
- 1/4 large onion
- Pinch of dry piquín chili
- 4 cloves
- 1 small stick of cinnamon
- 1/2 head of garlic
- Bay leaf
- Oregano
- Olive oil and vinegar
First clean the fish that you have selected. Next cook the fish until golden in a pot with a lot of oil. Next, toast and grind the chili, cinnamon, garlic and clove. Soften with vinegar and then strain. Slice one half of the onion into thin strips.
Add a small amount of oil to a pot, add one layer of sliced fried fish, a layer of salsa, and a layer of sliced onion. In this same order, add more layers. After, add the bay leaves and oregano. Cover and keep over low heat for 20 minutes so that the fish does not fall apart. Remove from heat. Add salt to taste.
You can serve this with white rice and beans, and it’s ready to eat!
If you like to discover traditional Mexican recipes from a grandmother’s cookbook, click aquí