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Anti-stress beverages

por Elsie Mendez Enriquez

By Elsie Méndez

Modern times are getting everyday, faster and more complicated. Sometimes, we just need a little bit of peace and quiet, but getting those two things is not that easy. So, here you have a couple of beverage recipes that will help you to fight stress and be on a total relaxation mood.

bebidas para combatir el estrés
Brews and tea

It is true that every tea can be relaxing, certain herbs are scientifically tested as the best to relieve stress. Some of the best herbs to prepare your tea are valerian, flower of the Passion, and San Juan’s herb. Another great option is a brew made of rosemary, mint and chamomile. You just boil some water, and when it starts boiling, add a little bit of each of the plantas I just have mentioned. Let it rest, covered,  for 5 minutes. Serve and drink it before going to bed.

Leche caliente
Warm Milk

Drinking a glass of milk before going to bed, or at any time of the day, is a great way of reducing stress. Milk contains lactium protein, which helps the body to relax by reducing our blood pressure, and potasium, which allows muscles to relax.

Fruit Juice

Juices are rich in Vitamin C, such as orange juice, grapefruit, strawberry juice, they help reducing the stress levels by reducing the amount of stress hormones, like cortisol, for example.

combatir el estrés

Next time you feel anxious or stressed, instead of suffering or taking pills, you can try drinking one of these beverages to relieve stress. You can even fell better much faster than using other methods.

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